Saturday, January 5, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sorry I am so late posting this. We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Tyler got to spend it with us and we all woke up early and opened presents and had a great breakfast. I made Turkey Sausage, Bacon(that I burnt to such a crisp we couldn't eat it) Creamed Chipped Beef on toast, Hash Browns and Scrambled Eggs! It was yummy! Afterwards we had a few hours to kick back and relax before heading to the in laws. Over there we had a fantastic meal and fun time looking a pictures of their trip to Europe. We did Pollyanna this year with them so after we ate we exchanged gifts, dad had me and got me some beautiful pearls! After that we headed over to my parents. There was a ton of my extended family there and we exchanged Pollyanna gifts with them also. Mom and Dad got me a new rug for my living room. The Beautiful Flokati rug I had was a nightmare for the allergic people in my household. This one is short haired and easy to be vacuumed. I love it!!! We had a great time with family and eating desert. I even snuck in some Shrimp Bisque that my mom routinely makes for the holidays.

So that was Christmas. New Years was quiet. We went to bed at 10. I was woken up by the fireworks at midnight. Not too eventful but relaxing and quiet.

I've really been feeling the baby move like crazy, even realizing when she has Hiccups!!! Mark and the boys have even seen her move in my belly. It's fun! Mark has been off work since the monday before Christmas and goes back the 7th. It's been nice to have him home. We've been lazy and only relaxed the whole time. It's been really great for me because Asa won't leave him alone and I get some free time...even being able to sleep in!

Things have been stressful around here. A couple weeks back we saw a house we really liked, but couldn't put an offer down until we knew if the job Mark was trying to get would go through. We were sure we would know by the New Year, but still haven't heard anything. It's been really trying, we are being as patient as we can--we have to be. I am just praying that the house is still up for sale--it felt so perfect!

In the middle of all that Mark was hit on his way home from work and has been without a car for three weeks. The adjuster came out quickly and said he thought it would be totalled. The insurance lady in charge of our claim went on vacation though, so we had to practice more excruciating patience. Yesterday we finally settled with the insurance company and got a better sum than we thought we would. But it will still be a while before everything is said and done.

Oh and the dryer has been broken for about a week and a half and the Landlord is taking a VERY long time to take it seriously. I had to do some wash at mom's house. IT feels horrible to have mountains of dirty laundry lying around.

Asa has been up the past couple nights crying. He hasn't been eating well either. That's been tough, I guess I'm getting practice for when Evie comes! He's probably got something, I'm just not sure what. He's got a bit of a runny nose, but no other visible symptoms other than his eczema flaring up.

Even though it feels like too much to handle it could really be worse! I am learning I am not in control of anything and just have to trust God.

Genevieve Elizabeth Lane is looking like the final cut for baby girl. We would call her "Evie" though---well all except my grand mom who said she is going to call her Genevieve anyway:)!!!

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