Monday, May 19, 2008


Evie Elizabeth is now over 2 weeks old. She has had her first outing to a public place (good ol' Happy Harry's) and first visit to church! This past Saturday she even went on her first hike! She is doing excellently. By her 10th day she was 5 ounces over her birth weight. She is a great eater and a pretty good sleeper. She also is very happy. She has smiled many when I was playing with her nose. She is very alert and follows people with her big eyes.

Asa is having a hard time mostly with sleeping. He loves his little sister and is very proud of her. He is very thrilled when allowed to hold her and lets everyone know she is his sister :)

Tyler is loving having her around also. He has been really helpful with Asa too.

Mark has been getting good sleep on the couch. Evie likes to sleep in my bed with me versus her bassinet. So hubby gives the bed to us and helps us sleep better :)

I had a pretty bad bout of Mastitis with fevers and the whole bit, but thankfully that is gone now and I am almost finished with the antibiotics. That was extremely difficult to bear...thank the Lord it only lasted for a fairly short time!

I was able to bring her on the hike in my new sling. It worked really well and I LOVE IT! She loves it too. It was also helpful when I went to the pharmacy with the kiddies. Asa went in the cart while she stayed in the sling.

House hunting is really slow right now. Nothing is coming up. Hopefully something will soon!

1 comment:

Life's Ups and Downs said...

Lauren, she is beautiful! I showed mom and she praised her. I'm so glad you guys are adjusting to baby. I will be praying for you about your house hunt.