Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the summer is flying by...

real quick:
Mark turned 31 over a week ago.
We visited with family from Canada last weekend.
Our 4th anniversary is tomorrow!
Evie has been using the walker - but basically just to play with the toys on it's tray!
Asa is fully potty trained!
We make settlement in just over 2 weeks!
We received a free washer and dryer!
Tyler is super tan.
I still can't get anything done around here...although--
Scrabulous was deleted - I'm waiting on the new Scrabble application to work right!
...time to watch Lost--nevermind it's too embarressing of a movie to mention!


sUsAn said...

Happy anniversary!!! Very cool about the washer and dryer! And congrats to Asa!!!!! Woohoo!!!

Karen said...

Hey Lauren! I stopped by your blog, I love seeing the recent pics of the kids! If you need any help moving we would be glad to help. Take care and take everything with a grain of salt! Karen Norkas