Saturday, October 13, 2007

13 weeks and counting...

I am not feeling great still. This time is worse than the last with the whole pukey thing. My doctor prescribed an Anti-nausea medication but I never filled out the prescription. I wanted to look it up some before I started taking it and I found that it was developed for chemo therapy/radiation patients. The problem was that although a lot of women said it worked for them during pregnancy (about 80%) there were still not any significant studies done of the effects of the medicine on the baby. Then I came across a forum online where a mom was asking if any other moms had taken it and had children who seemed delayed. Her little boy was significantly delayed while her other children were fine(she didn't take it with them) I also read a study from New Zealand on it saying that there was not enough information on it's effects on pregnancies yet and they advised moms-to-be to avoid it.
It was also listed as a medication for women who have lost a significant amount of weight because of morning sickness (i haven't) and can't keep any food down ( I can keep about half down on bad days)
So anyway, I decided to go to my pharmacy and ask my pharmacist. He advised me not to take it. He said it was for drastic measures and that even if it made me feel better temporarily it could be having negative effects on the baby. He also said that the company who makes it has a lot of influence in the medical world. That made me decide right there and then not to take it! Plus the fact that 24 pills of the generic form was $500.00(although my insurance covers all but $6)
So now I just try and pretend that I am feeling better. I can't wait for this time to be over.
We were able to hear the baby's heart a bit ago. That was very was a fast beat.
In the beginning of November I have another appointment and will be given my Ultrasound script! Very excited about that! I'm still not showing at all, I know you show earlier in second pregnancies but I guess we still have a bit to go. I also haven't felt the little guy yet. Maybe it's a girl and that's why I am feeling so much worse this time, who knows! If it's a girl we think we are going with Evie, if it's a boy Jack Robert.....those are still up in the air as well. Evie wouldn't have a middle name just like I didn't. Evie is a variation of Eve, so it's Hebrew and has the same meaning "mother of many". I also like Ephraim and Reuben for a middle name of the boy, haven't convinced Mark on them yet though. If Asa had been a girl he would've been Sofia Avis. I like Sofie Avis better now, but I think Mark has changed his mind about the whole Sofie thing....we'll see what he thinks if it actually is a girl though.

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