Friday, October 26, 2007

15 weeks

The morning sickness has yet to subside. I am fifteen weeks today and am feeling a bit more pregnant lately, which is nice. I almost think I felt the baby today yesterday and the day before. Just a few more weeks till I get my ultrasound! Can't wait!

We visited Asa's doctor this week after he began complaining that his ear hurt. The doctor said he had an ear infection and Asthma too. That was something I was thinking would come but hoping it wouldn't. So he's been having breathing treatments every 4-6 hours with the nebulizer. He's doing well with it. I bought the nebulizer back when he was an infant with RSV, he was wheezing pretty bad and Mark and I thought that since Asthma runs in his family so much that we should keep it in case. I'm glad we did. It's funny; the other night, well early morning around 5 Asa woke up crying. I went to see what was wrong and he asked to watch Sumo (veggie tales). I told him it was too early so he said "Mom, my treatment!" (Meaning his breathing treatment) but it was so cute because he was sad when he was asking for it. He took it perfectly too, laying in his bed the whole time. Then he went back to sleep.

Last Saturday was my dad's 50th birthday party. It was really nice. We had a fun time and it was nice to celebrate him. Here are some pics:

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