Monday, December 8, 2008


I feel like I am actually getting my work done now! I mean I still have so much to do, but I feel so much more motivated seeing a lot of things done. Evie is pulling herself up to standing and already cruising. She is amazing, although I am her mom--so I would think so!!

Christmas is going to be low key this year, but I think it'll be a great one. I still don't have decorations up other than the tree. I want to buy some garlands and a wreath and maybe some outdoor lights since we actually have things to put them on out front.

I am thinking about putting some baby items on Craigs List but am a little worried about letting strangers know where I live. I am not typically a paranoid person-but this just makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I was thinking of telling whoever may possilbly want my items that I would put them in the middle of my circle by the mailboxes for them. I guess I sound crazy. Maybe I should just see if anyone would want the stuff through someone I know.

I need to watch a good's been a while. Our electricity bill was 160.00 in November, up from 120 in October and 65 in September. That makes me feel bad. I know that our home is insulated poorly. When we work on the basement walls I want to put more insulation in the walls and on the ceiling over the patio. When we do the kitchen and remove the soffet I want to insulate through the ceiling (which is our bedroom floor) over the front patio. Both of those places where the floor is above the outside are sooooo cold. I need to price how much it is to use that spray insulation. I was also thinking of pricing the cleaning and sealing of our tiles in the bathroom. The tiles aren't cracked but some of the grout isn't as pretty as it once was. I know they can fix it and make it look beautiful again, I just wonder if it's other worldy expensive. Someday these things will get done!!

I really want to get one of those HP touch smarts. I love the fact that it is so streamlined. I don't like a lot of wires going every which was on the desk. It'll fit great in my built in desk that I am going to make :) Maybe someday. The basement is SOOo cold though. AH I can't imagine being down there on the computer.

I read a lot about seafood recently. Monterey Bay Aquarium has a lot of interesting information about what fish we should eat. Personally it sometimes goes a little overboard in the enviromentalism issues--but nonetheless there is good info among them.

Anyway I better go finish my scrabble game, this dude who is destroying me really wants to end this so his rating can go up!!!!

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