Monday, March 22, 2010

Marching on...

Who cares? Well, I DID care, but thinking about it more now, I am really uninterested. I am starting to see no matter what, that GOD is all that matters. This country isn't Him, these people--many of them aren't His either. Bringing us to humility, experiencing some pain and suffering--this is what brings us back to Him. It's upsetting when people don't see things the same way you do, and when they impose their feelings into your life--however, it seems like it could be a significant help to all those lost in the comfort and ease of life in this country.

We have everything we need--basically. We have way more than we need--actually. Having less and being uncomfortable will only make me realize how NOT in control I am. I hope this in no way comes across in a way where I seem defeated--just the opposite. I care so much about political things that mean nothing in the end. Yeah, maybe my opinions make sense and would benefit the whole population better than if not implemented, but being politically correct isn't the point of our existance. I want to focus on my faith, on reaching out to others and growing a family in Christ and seeing my children carry on in life with Christ as their guide! Even if everything else around us crumbles, we can't and won't if we are focused and grounded :) Having ALL of this stuff, money--wordly goods, that we've been blessed with, we can survive without it, and survive well--maybe even better than with them.

I want to do the best with the least. I want to focus on Christ and not all these distractions. I want to see more people coming to Him and having their lives changed. I'll get involved the way I am supposed to when it comes to civic duty, but I want to re-center and re-focus my life right now on Christ not my libertarian leaning political ideas! I don't want to feel down about a loss of a vote, or of the election of people I disagree with. I want to vote, and prepare the way I believe and leave the rest to the Lord!

I was thinking about going to school for economics and getting involved in local politics in a few years. Maybe I still will, but -- I don't want to let my political ideas rule, and feel out of control when those ideas are fought and defeated!

Just a little rant, hope you didn't mind reading :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Go Lauren! I like what you're saying here. It is so easy to get caught up with what in the end does not last. God did make us passionate creatures but within the context of "Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." : )