Tuesday, February 23, 2010

burnt french toast

quick tip:
If you decide you don't really feel like making dinner one night, but also don't want to look lazy, you should say you are going to make french toast and bacon with fruit salad. Then, while the chicken bacon is in the microwave( does that not sound incredibly gross?) and the metal pan is heating up greased in butter, You can egg up your your wheat bread and then plop it on the metal pan. When a couple pieces have been frying for a bit you can try and flip them but soon come to realize they are glued to the pan. After you scape them up and flip them--ruined--over, you can shove the pan away from the burner, yell at them, put them in a trash can and the scalding hot pan into the sink while bursting into tears of rage. Your husband will most likely get his keys and make a mad rush to the door and you will only know what is going on by the sound of the front door closing. Then in a few minutes a perfectly tasty meal of fried chicken and store prepared macaroni salad may be on your table and you won't even have to prepare a bit of it!

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