Friday, August 10, 2007


Today I was thinking about a place I once was a few years back. I haven't ever felt like the way I did today about it. I always used to think I was cool because I had been to this place. I was driving down 100 reminiscing about that time and feeling my confidence build--"I was so cool". Anyway, I was thinking about how my car model wasn't even in existence back then. I felt my coolness melt away some.:) The coolness of course gaged by myself only. Time flies, life is so much better now than it was back then, but I couldn't have gotten to where I am today without going through all I did. It's amazing how much I learned and grew when I lived in the city. I was there for barely 3 months but I learned things that probably would have taken more many years to learn anywhere else. I grew up very fast. ANYWAY!(this was written wednesday 8/15)

Asa turned 2 on Sunday! We had a fun little family party I will post pictures soon.

Yesterday I drove past Cheyney University(which I basically pass when ever I drive anywhere west of here.) and noticed the overflow parking lot was full of trailers trucks and a huge tent....not to mention a huge tent. Usually there is about 5 cars in the big open lot. So it made me pretty curious. Today I drove by it again and saw even more cars and lots of people walking around. I saw a sign that read "Extras Parking" with an arrow. I figured it must be a movie...then the trailers made sense. So when I passed the scene yet again on my way home I saw a huge catering truck from California "Tony's" pull out in front of me with a paper on the dash that looked like a computer print out of a tree and the name "The Happening". Pretty exciting that it was happening literally 5 minutes from my house! WOO HOO! YAY

1 comment:

sUsAn said...

Very very cool!!!! I love his movies! He is from this area too. Go be an extra!!!! :)