Tuesday, August 7, 2007

VBS is over

What a crazy good week that was. Lots of driving and getting up early, but very worth it. We had a great time, Tyler learned so many new songs and even practiced the hand motions in the car every day on our way to the church. I think I took some pictures: I'll post them when I get my reader and batteries charged. The theme for VBS was Avalanche Ranch, a wild ride through God's word. It was really cute. I didn't have a crew like I thought I would but I tried to stay busy helping other people. Asa actually participated in a few classes, so that was nice. It was fun getting to know people better seeing them every day all week.

Mark and I also celebrated year no. 3 last Tuesday. We didn't do much, in fact we did nothing. Mark did buy me an amazingly beautiful hot air balloon Hummingbird feeder. It was nothing I would've ever expected, but I loved it. Then he explained that the third anniversary is glass...and it meant even more to me!! He also got me a beautiful purple Lisianthus(sp) and a cactus planter with different cacti and succulants...very cool. I went out and got him a cool reading lamp with a glass shade. Then we went out for lunch on Sunday.....and that was fun :)

This week should be interesting....nothing much planned. Going to my aunts on Friday which should be nice, we're going to some farmer's market that I've been looking forward to visiting since she moved up to where she is and found it. Right now I have about 4 rooms of my tiny house to vaccuum fruity pebbles out of.

Asa is turning 2 this Sunday. We are going to have a small party for him at my parents. I really haven't planned much for it. Thank goodness mom likes to cook for crowds! I think I am going to go to party city and buy a few Nemo decorations.

Mark said he wants to go camping one weekend before the summer ends. I have to plan that too. We want to go to Elk Neck State Park, it's so much fun!

I better go vaccuum.

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