Saturday, September 1, 2007

catching up

I wish I could be more consistant with my blogging! We have been doing so much lately. I haven't been able to upload pictures because the cable for my camera is missing. I wish this laptop had a memory card slot like our pc--either that or Mark would let me hook our pc up to the internet!

So I wrote in my last post about driving by the set of "the Happening" at Cheyney U. Funny, but I kind of happened upon another set this past wednesday. I was visiting my baby cousin Chase for the first time, he has an older sister who is Asa's age so we took the kids to the park near his house. On our way over my Aunt said "Oh, guess what!? They are filming a movie in my neighborhood!" so I blurted out..."Is it the Happening?!" It was. We were walking across the street it was on when she said, "Do you want to check it out?" She mentioned that normally it was much more crowded and you couldn't get anywhere near it. (I SO WISH I TOOK PICTURES!) So there were a few cops sitting around the huge set. It was a crash scene where a red jeep hits a tree in a fork in the road. It's supposed to be set in Princeton NJ.--there was a lareg sign welcoming us-- it was so cool to see about 6 red jeeps all very similar looking in a row. The last two were semi-crashed, and very-crashed, one had a strange camera contraption built on top. I guess I didn't mention that we were allowed to walk right up to everything. They weren't filming at the moment so the actors and film crew were gone. The set was all ours!!!! There were some people washing a car and fixing road signs and moving superficial things around. It was really cool. The main crash tree was actually fake and we could tell from the back of it that it had bolts holding it together! There was also lighting apparatus in the large "real" tree behind it. My aunt said that her neighbor who's house would be seen in the movie was asked if they could plant a hedge around their front looked so natural, but I guess it had just been put in. The grass was also fake.

I'll add more later, it's time to go celebrate Tyler's birthday!

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