Wednesday, November 28, 2007

i don't like that chicken

So yesterday when Mark got home from work and then left to run, I decided to take Asa outside. We planted the christmas trees in the pots and lit them up.(They look better at night lol) We also cleaned out the car! No more toys books and trash! YAY! I did find a library book that was due last week though. Oops.

Asa took that book from me and was reading it when my neighbors rooster decided to come over and visit. Asa started running toward it so I followed him thinking the bird would run away. It didn't though, and it started to scare me as it ran toward Ace. I yelled "Asa, come back!" I didn't want him to be afraid of the chicken(even though I was lol) So I kind of laughed and smiled while I whisked him away from the bird standing as few feet away from me. Asa dropped the book, in the driveway where we were standing. I couldn't bend down to get it because the chicken was standing right over it. It was making growling sounds and kept coming closer to us. LOL so we walked(cough cough..ran) away. I tried to look cool as we were leaving the chicken and our book in the driveway, but as that bird followed us over to my car(which was still being cleaned out with all the doors open) I threw Asa in the house laughing nervously, then I ran to the car to shut the doors and bring in the bags of stuff I took out of it. The rooster kept coming closer making it's weirdo chicken noises. I got all my stuff and ran inside. At this point Asa and I were standing in my kitchen with our front door cracked and peeking out at the crazed chicken.
He was standing on our retaining wall whining because he couldn't figure out how to get down to come over to our door. Mark subsequently pulled up and scared that chicken away as fast as lightening. I felt relieved. I ran up to the driveway and grabbed the library book. Then the rooster came back! I yelled "Now What?! You better run!" and it ran away again when Mark got out of the car. Thank goodness! I don't like that chicken! Asa thought it was funny though.
(That is Magic the neighbor's cat standing in place of the rooster)

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