Monday, April 21, 2008

10 days left...

or maybe none? I am still a"round"....Would love for baby to come today. I have everything ready for her except batteries in her swing. I also want to buy some warmer weather clothes for Asa before she comes ....part of the whole nesting thing i guess.

I am feeling really yucky today...a lot of flu-like symptoms...trying not to get my hopes up though.
I have some laundry to do and have to clean the living room...then I'll feel a little more ready.

Asa has been using the potty more, I am really excited about that. He's been better behaved recently as well.
The weather has been amazing. We had a super-busy weekend. A shower, two birthday and other little was a lot for me, but I feel good knowing all was accomplished.

The turtles need to go. They are too big and the tank needs to be cleaned almost incessantly for it not to wreak like sewage. Today is one of those days where is smells awful. I can't do anything about it either...just be stuck in a stinky house lol. I think they are going to be freed soon. We've had them since they were the size of quarters 3 years ago. They are now proably 8-10 inches in diameter..and very mean. They do love Mark though, it's funny they come to the side of the tank where he is closest to and sit and watch him.

Anyway I better get back to my nesting. Hopefully Miss Evie will be making her appearance soon and I can blog about that next :)

1 comment:

sUsAn said...

Anticipation :) ! We're looking forward to Evie's arrival too! Sounds like you had a very busy weekend! Whew! Hang in there! We're praying for you!